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LWV of Greater Pittsburgh
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The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh

Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy

The League of Women Voters' Mission

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government,
works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Why Choose the League? 
A League of Women Voters member is firmly rooted in a rich PAST, 
is active in advocacy and action in the challenging 
 and lives with an eye to the FUTURE.

The League is open to anyone 16 and older who supports our mission.

"I joined the League to help keep democracy intact. 
I joined the League because it was nonpartisan calm   
in the midst of a partisan storm."
 --Arlene Levy, 50-year Member

the League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters is a peoples' organization that has fought since 1920 to improve our government and engage all Americans in the decisions that impact their lives. 

  • We operate at national, state and local levels through more than 800 state and local Leagues, in all 50 states as well as in DC, the Virgin Islands and Hong Kong. 
  • We never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, but we are political.
  • Formed from the movement that secured the right to vote for women, the centerpiece of the League’s efforts remain to expand participation and give a voice to all Americans. We do this at all three levels of government, engaging in both broad educational efforts as well as advocacy. Our issues are grounded in our respected history of making democracy work for all Americans.

the League of Women Voters?
  • We walk our talk.
  • We believe that we need everyone to participate in order for our community to be strong, safe and vibrant. 
  • Whether you contribute your time, your money, or both you can feel confident that your investment in democracy goes further in the League.
  • We are a very active local League with many different ways to participate. For more, see our Membership Hub, .

LWVPGH Volunteer delivers speech at

Naturalization Ceremony

LWVPGH Volunteers at Recovery Walk Registration Event

High School Classroom Presentation

by Civic Education Team Members

What makes the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh UNIQUE?

It's our Website!
The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh- - HERE .

Our website was created with a focus on civic education for all with our unique resources--like our Explainers and Graphics page and our PA Government pages.  We are a valued website for many local Leagues across the state and the US.

Be sure to explore the many different web pages to find comprehensive nonpartisan voting, election, and government information. Just hover over each main title in the  Menu at the top. 

Any website page on this site can be translated into many languages by clicking the “select language” tool at the top right of every page.

"I worried for a number of years that we had no real identity--other groups had taken on individual issues and we just weren't on the front line.  Now we are, thanks to all the people who work on registration, Get Out the Vote, and civic education, as well as state participation in court cases."
                                                                                                                  --Phyllis Dreyfus,  50-Year Member


"I loved the debates, the Legislative interview, and the conventions were incredible.  I think we have been less successful with diversity--there was a big push in the late 90's, but here we are today.  I would like our League to reflect America as it is and make democracy work."
                                                                                                              --Carol Emerson, 50-Year Member

of the LWV

Nonpartisan Policy of the LWV

The choice made in 1920 to neither support nor oppose any political party or candidate for public office continues today to ensure that the League’s voice is heard above the tumult of party politics.

  •  The nonpartisan policy has added strength to the League’s positions on issues and has made possible wide acceptance of League voter service and other educational activities.  See our Policy Positions page here.
  •  At the same time, the League is a political organization and encourages members to participate fully in the political party of their choice. It is an advantage to the League to have politically active members and, equally important, it can be a personally satisfying experience.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

LWV is an organization fully committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in principle and in practice.
 Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to the organization’s current and future success in engaging all individuals, households, communities, and policy makers in creating a more perfect democracy.

There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, race, native or indigenous origin, age, generation, sexual orientation, culture, religion, belief system, marital status, parental status, socioeconomic status, language, accent, ability status, mental health, educational level or background, geography, nationality, work style, work experience, job role function, thinking style, personality type, physical appearance, political perspective or affiliation and/or any other characteristic that can be identified as recognizing or illustrating diversity.


The LWVUS (national) has a robust Advocacy arm with legal staff dedicated to upholding citizens' Constitutional Rights-- with a special focus on Voting Rights and Voter Access. 

At times,
the LWVPA (state) also joins in litigation. A recent example was: 

  • Judicial Watch Inc. v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (April 2020). This organization sought to compel several PA counties to remove thousands of voters from the rolls before the 2020 General Election. The League intervened to protect eligible PA voters from being wrongfully purged from the rolls. 

For up-to-date LWV litigation information click here. (

2025 Priorities: Restore and Defend Voting Rights Protections; Provide Democracy Education & Election Administration Support; Campaign Finance/Money in Politics; Redistricting; Direct Election of President by Popular Vote (Abolish Electoral College); Protect Democracy Organizations & Institutions, Fight for Reproductive Freedoms.

Accordion Widget
LWVPGH Program and Positions Defined
LWVPGH Program and Positions Defined

When the LWV was first formed, the women were not only committed to voting, but were anxious to make known their opinions on numerous public issues. They were determined that the newly enfranchised women would cast informed votes


At their first meeting, they listed 69 different items that they wanted to address. They did do some prioritizing and formed study committees to look into the most important issues and report back to the membership. These study committees and the issues they examined became the basis for what League calls “Program”. 


Since then, Program has expanded to include items at all levels of government. Suggestions for study topics have always been provided from the grass-roots (members) and selected by delegates at annual meetings or state or national conventions. National and state study items have routinely been researched by board members at the appropriate level and study information provided to the local leagues, along with certain questions that guided the discussion at local, or Unit, meetings. 


The goal was always to reach consensus on the questions, which were then sent to the national or state League. The board members compiled the responses from the local leagues and from that determined the League’s opinion, or Position, on the issue at hand.  League members and local leagues may then use these positions to lobby elected officials on those topics. Local Leagues follow similar procedures when they determine a local issue that they feel needs to be studied.

For more, see our Policy Positions page here.


Simply click the blue "Join" button at the top left of this web page. 

  • Anyone aged 16 and older may become a voting member of the League. 
  • Yearly dues, include membership in the local League (LWVPGH), the state League (LWVPA) , and the national League (LWVUS).

Take Action:

  • Hover over "Advocacy" in the Menu bar and click on the "Take Action from LWVUS" page. You will be able to respond to the advocacy issues that have been priortitized by the Advocacy arm of the LWVUS.

Stay Informed:

  • Every member receives all of the e-publications (eBlast and VOTER),  all email blasts from LWVPGH, and also from the LWVPA and LWVUS.  Attend informational committee meetings and presentations by other organizations.

Stay Involved:

  • Make a difference by participating in the many LWVPGH voter service and civic education activities


  • LWVPGH is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, so fees and donations are tax deductible and eligible for employer matching funds.


February 2025 Voter