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HomeSlide Decks for Speakers

Slide Decks

for Schools and Community 

Through the LWVPGH High School Outreach project, we have created many PowerPoint presentations.  Other presentations have been created by LWVUS, LWVPA, and  LWVPGH members for trainings, new member orientation, or community events. We are sharing these slide decks so that anyone, including schools, community organizations, and local Leagues may use them as reliable resources, with attribution to the LWVPGH. The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh is committed to the presentation of nonpartisan, reliable information in order to expand civic engagement and the commitment to democratic principles.

Some Allegheny County-specific information is included. In some presentations, we may have added a “copyright” line to each slide which must be removed if a slide is altered.  Before revising the PowerPoint presentations or individual slides, we make a friendly request that all users adhere to the League of Women Voters’ nonpartisan policy and standards. The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh is not responsible for revisions that might not meet the nonpartisan and reliability standards of the League of Women Voters. 

CIVIC EDUCATION for High Schools,
Colleges-Universities, and Career Technical Education (CTE) Schools
Young people with question marks
Why Vote Fall 2024
Winter, Spring 2024
Target Audience: High School

Duration - 40 minutes; 30 minutes presentation, 10 minutes voter registration
The 2024 interactive lesson for high school classroom visits includes student activities and videos.  Content highlights student voter empowerment, descriptions of kinds and types of elections, and focuses on the 2024 Federal & State Elections.  Online voter registration is facilated with a QR code to and additional resources include links to and
Resources for Students

Spring, 2023

Target Audience: High School

Duration - 40 minutes; 30 minutes presentation, 10 minutes voter registration
This was the 2023 PowerPoint presentation for high school classroom visits. This interactive lesson includes three student activities and a video. Content highlights student voter empowerment, descriptions of kinds and types of elections and a focus on Municipal elections.  Online voter registration is facilated with a QR code to and additional resources include links to and 

Train the Trainer slide deck
Train the Trainer 2024
Spring- Fall 2024
Target Audience:  Schools, Community Organizations, All Citizens

Duration -45 minutes

The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh's "Train the Trainer" slide deck is for anyone who would like to train individuals to run voter registration events, or register voters within their schools, clubs, organizations, and businesses.  A short LWVPGH video that explains ONLINE voter registration is linked.  Instructions for the printed, downloadable voter registration application and printed, downloadable mail-in ballot application via annotated graphics are also linked.  This comprehensive slide deck answers questions about the voter registration process with reliable information.

"Train the Trainer" LWVPGH Resource Page
Youth as Advocates-Student-led   
Citizen Activists Needed- Adult-led                   

Fall, 2023-24
Target Audience:  Colleges-Universities, Community Organizations

Duration -1 hour
The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh's "Youth as Advocates" and "Citizen Activists Needed" slide decks are designed to provide an understanding of advocacy in general and to give youth the tools they need to advocate for their own issues.  The League of Women Voters provides a model of "citizen activists" who work at a grassroots level to advance the voting rights of all eligible citizens and for other LWV positions.

In the Student-led version, the second part of the slide deck allows young people to create the Notes for each slide, speaking with their own voices.

In the Adult-led Classroom version, adult presenters engage students with interactive questions and activities.

The Youth as Advocates Tool Kit provides step-by-step "how to's" for emailing or writing letters to legislators, organizing Postcard Campaigns, and reaching out to legislators for in-person or virtual visits.  While it is geared towards youth, these "tools" can be used by anyone.

Journey of an Official Election Ballot

Fall, 2022- 2024
Target Audience: College, Members, Community

Duration - 30 Minutes
You go to your polling place, mark your ballot, feed it into the scanner, and then what????
Follow the "Behind the Scenes" Journey of an Official Election Ballot in PA; the before, during,
and after journey of a ballot.  
This LWVPGH slide deck (and video) also provides information to prebunk and debunk 
mis- and dis-information that color our elections. 

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left.

Let;s Talk About Women's Suffrage

Target Audience: College-University, High School

Duration: 16:38 Minutes
Learn about the struggles of the US Suffragists in gaining the right to vote. 
Especially relevant during the March 2023 National Women's History Month.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (16:38)

Walkthrough SLIDE DECK  
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University

Duration 30 minutes (20 minutes with 10 minutes Q & A)
Walk through this League of Women Voters website. Find local voter information and nonpartisan candidate information; photos, bios, candidate websites and candidate answers
to 3 questions to compare side-by-side.

 Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (4:36 minutes)

5 Myths of Voting SLIDE DECK
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, High School

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
Learn how to debunk 5 common misperceptions about the US election system, 
based on a Rock the Vote classroom lesson.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left, WITH ASL (9:31 minutes).


Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, High School, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
Consider the issues, the direction of the country, and the impact of elections

to learn why it is important to vote in every election.

 Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (7:13 minutes).

Understanding the Next Election SLIDE DECK
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, High School, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
This slide show covers types and kinds of elections,
primary and general elections, political parties,
and more.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left, WITH ASL (10:26 minutes).

How to Register to Vote SLIDE DECK 
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, High School, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
This nuts and bolts slide show helps young and new voters
navigate the voter registration process.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left, WITH ASL (20:23 minutes).

Slide Deck for Incarcerated Citizens here.
Slide Deck for Returning Citizens, below.

 Register OUT-of-STATE Students SLIDE DECK
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
National websites and other information are included to give
out-of-state students the help they need to register to vote.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left, WITH ASL (12:27 minutes).

Mail-in Ballot- Apply for, Complete, Return
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, Community

Duration: 10-minutes
This LWVPGH slide deck includes all information needed to 
apply for, to complete, and then to return a
PA Mail-in/Absentee Ballot
Hot Links to websites, graphics, other videos, and explainers.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, (Coming Soon)

Returning Citizens Voter Project SLIDE DECK 
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
Do you know your voting rights if you have a criminal history? 
Did you know most Pennsylvania citizens are eligible to vote? 
Learn who can and cannot vote with this video and slide deck.  

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (14:54 minutes).

Slide Deck for Incarcerated Citizens here.

#Make Government Work For You PP 2021-23
Winter and Spring 2021 and 2022
Duration: 40 minutes (30 minutes PowerPoint, 10 minutes Voter Registration)
During the winter and spring of 2021, the second PowerPoint was presented both in-person
and then virtually during the pandemic shutdown. 

This interactive presentation explores what it means to be a citizen in our democracy,
explores how students feel about voting, and explains why participation of all citizens
is essential  for our representative democracy.  It helps students understand the
different types of elections each year and the difference  between the Primary and
General Elections, while the 2021 Municipal Election is highlighted. Voter Registration is
explained and the website is introduced along with 
League of Women Voters mottos of "Your Vote is Your Voice" 
and "Democracy is NOT a spectator sport" are reinforced.

For more information about how to start your own High School and College/University Outreach
program, see the  LWVPGH CIVIC EDUCATION MODEL 2021-23 

For LWV Members (New and Old),
Community Groups and Organizations
Youth as Advocates-Student-led   
Citizen Activists Needed- Adult-led                   

Fall, 2023-24
Target Audience:  Colleges-Universities, Community Organizations

Duration -1 hour
The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh's "Youth as Advocates" and "Citizen Activists Needed" slide decks are designed to provide an understanding of advocacy in general and to give youth the tools they need to advocate for their own issues.  The League of Women Voters provides a model of "citizen activists" who work at a grassroots level to advance the voting rights of all eligible citizens and for other LWV positions.

In the Student-led version, the second part of the slide deck allows young people to create the Notes for each slide, speaking with their own voices.

In the Adult-led Classroom version, adult presenters engage students with interactive questions and activities.

The Youth as Advocates Tool Kit provides step-by-step "how to's" for emailing or writing letters to legislators, organizing Postcard Campaigns, and reaching out to legislators for in-person or virtual visits.  While it is geared towards youth, these "tools" can be used by anyone.

Train the Trainer slide deck
Train the Trainer 2024
Spring- Fall 2024
Target Audience:  Schools, Community Organizations, All Citizens

Duration -45 minutes

The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh's "Train the Trainer" slide deck is for anyone who would like to train individuals to run voter registration events, or register voters within their schools, clubs, organizations, and businesses.  A short LWVPGH video that explains ONLINE voter registration is linked.  Instructions for the printed, downloadable voter registration application and printed, downloadable mail-in ballot application via annotated graphics are also linked.  This comprehensive slide deck answers questions about the voter registration process with reliable information.

"Train the Trainer" LWVPGH Resource Page

Let's Talk About Women's Sufferage
Target Audience: Members, Community

Duration: 45 Minutes
Learn about the struggles of the US Suffragists in gaining the right to vote. 
Especially relevant during the March  National Women's History Month.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (16:38)

AI and Misinformation Slide Deck 
April, 2024
Target Audience: League of Women Voters PA,  Local Leagues, Community Organizations 

Duration - 60 Minutes
The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh presented "AI and Misinformation" virtually on April 16th as part of LWVPA's Ballot Box Basics. 

Recently, AI has made the leap from a behind-the-scenes assistant to a creative tool, offering to generate illustrations, change the tone of a document, or create a slide deck based on written notes.  Even if  AI hasn't been used directly, many certainly may have had some contact with art, music, video, text, and scientific information produced with the help of AI.  

This presentation focuses on AI in the context of an upcoming election cycle.  It includes some of the ways AI is being used both to create disinformation, and also to counteract it, and it provises some strategies to limit the negative effects of AI on our media and information environments.

AI and Misinformation VIDEO

Journey of an Official Election Ballot

Fall, 2022- 2024
Target Audience: College, Members, Community

Duration - 30 Minutes
You go to your polling place, mark your ballot, feed it into the scanner, and then what????
Follow the "Behind the Scenes" Journey of an Official Election Ballot in PA; the before, during,
and after journey of a ballot.  
This LWVPGH slide deck (and video) also provides information to prebunk and debunk 
mis- and dis-information that color our elections. 

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left.

Walkthrough SLIDE DECK  
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: Members, Community

Duration 30 minutes (20 minutes with 10 minutes Q & A)
Walk through this League of Women Voters website. Find voter information and most important,
find nonpartisan candidate information; photos, bios, candidate websites and candidate answers to
3 questions to compare side-by-side.

 Click on YouTube video, left (4:36 Minutes).

Introducing the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh
Introducing the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh 
December, 2023
Target Audience: League of Women Voters Local Leagues, Community Organizations 

Duration -10-15 Minutes
The League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh is a very active League with many moving parts.  See this short 10-slide PowerPoint to gain an introduction to the League. 

Programs, projects, and events from the Voter Service,  Naturalization, Civic Education Teams are highlighted with end-of-the-year data included. 

Not Your Grandmother's Civic Education
Spring, 2023
Target Audience: LWV/National Institute of Civic Discourse Network

Duration -1 hour- 30 minutes Q & A
"Not Your Grandmother's Civic Education: Teaching Hope and Agency to the Next Generation, was presented in a virtual call to the LWVUS/NICD network on April 20, 2023.   Included was a comprehensive look at the origins of the Civic Education Teams and of Website Development.  The voter education/civic education library of graphics, explainers, and informative webpages were included. 

A ready-to-use toolkit/template is here.

The presentation recording is here .

YMCA Men's Group Presentation 6.23
YMCA Men's Group Presentation 

June, 2023
Target Audience: Members, Community
Presented by LWVPGH 

Duration - 60 Minutes
This presentation shared information about the Civic Education focus of the website and original resources found on the Explainers and Graphics web page. Included also are highlights from Civic Education in Schools and Community-- High School Outreach and other projects.

Click on this LWVPGH YouTube

LWVUS Building Reslience to Mis- Disinformation 2023  

March, 2023
Target Audience: Members, Community
Presented by LWVPGH 

Duration - 60 Minutes
This presentation is the result of a collaboration between LWVUS and the Algorithmic Transparency Institute (ATI) in order to train members to recognize mis- and disinformation through an understanding of misleading tactics and the pitfalls of engaging with disinformers. This comprehensive training focuses on strategies to engage in one-to-one conversations and strategies to recognize and report misleading or disinformation when it is encountered online or on social media. These concrete actions members can take will help not only to build an individual's own resilience to misinformation, but will also benefit the community at large as mis- and disinformation is reported to a special depository. Instead of unintentionally spreading mis- and disinformation, members can increase the situational awareness of the wider community and bad actors may be identified and held accountable.

Click on this LWVPGH YouTube video

Fix Harrisburg- LWVPGH

Fall, 2022
Target Audience: Members, Community

Duration - 60 Minutes
Have you wondered why three years of citizen effort to change the redistricting process came to naught? Do you know why it is so difficult to pass any bill through the PA State Legislature? Have you heard about the "rules" that govern how the Legislature does business? Learn more from Sue Broughton, League member and VOTERA editor, on how the League and Fair Districts are trying to change this and how you can help. (11.30.22 General Meeting presentation.)

Click on this LWVPGH YouTube video, left

Incarcerated Citizens Voting Rights SLIDE DECK
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: Members, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
Are you a citizen who has never voted or is not sure you are eligible to vote.
We have important information for you, narrated by Mr. Richard Garland.

Click on YouTube video, left (14:34 minutes).

Returning Citizens slide deck and video,below.

Returning Citizens Voter Project SLIDE DECK 
Fall, 2022
Target Audience: College-University, Community

Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)
Do you know your voting rights if you have a criminal history? 
Did you know most Pennsylvania citizens are eligible to vote? 
Learn who can and cannot vote with this video and slide deck.  Narrated by Ms. Tene Croom.

Click on LWVPGH YouTube video, left (14:54 minutes).

Slide Deck and Video for Incarcerated Citizens, above.


How To Be an INFORMED Active Citizen

March 2022
Target Audience: Members, Community
Duration: 40-60 minutes

Facilitating the participation of active, but also INFORMED citizens had been the mission 
of the League of Women Voters from its origins in 1920. 

This PowerPoint presentation can be completed in one hour (including questions)
with a wide variety of community groups.  It focuses on some of the FOUNDING PRINCIPLES
that have sustained our democracy,while also explaining voting and elections.  It empowers
EVERY CITIZEN to engage in our democracy. 
 Digital or in-person Voter Registration can be
incorporated following the presentation.

Community Presentation--101 Years of Advocacy and Action

August 2021
Target Audience: Members, Community
Duration: 15 minutes
Participation of active, informed citizens is a bedrock principle of our democracy and it has been
a foundational principle of the League of Women Voters from its origins in 1920. 

This PowerPoint presentation, which can be completed in 15-minutes with community groups,
explores strategies for participation of all citizens in the political process.  It emphasizes the
importance of involvement at any level--local, state, and national.  Digital or in-person Voter Registration
can be incorporated following the presentation.

Let's Talk About: Women's Suffrage
Target Audience: Members, Community
Duration: 15 minutes

Participation of active, informed citizens is a bedrock principle of our democracy and it
has been a foundational principle of the League of Women Voters from its origins in 1920. 

This PowerPoint presentation, which can be completed in 15-minutes with community groups,
explores strategies for participation of all citizens in the political process.  It emphasizes the
importance of involvement at any level--local, state, and national.  Digital or in-person
Voter Registration can be incorporated following the presentation.

Make Government Work for You for Senior Citizens 2021- 2022
Fall 2021- 2022
Target Audience: Members, Senior Housing, Community
Duration: 40 minutes (30-minute presentation and 10-minute Voter Registration)

This very comprehensive presentation explains what it means to be a citizen in our democracy and 
why civic engagement through voting is both a gift and a civic duty.  It also outlines the different types of elections
each year and the difference  between the Primary and General Elections, while the 
2021 Municipal Election i
s highlighted. Voter Registration is explained in detail.

The League of Women Voters mottos of "Your Vote is Your Voice" and 
"Democracy is NOT a spectator sport" are reinforced.

League 101-- Orientation for New Members
Updated August, 2021
Target Audience: New Members, Community
Duration: 1 hour

This comprehensive orientation includes the history of women's suffrage, its nonpartisan policy,
the structure of the LWV, the mission to education citizens, voter registration, advocacy and action,
and current League Advocacy priorities.

Introducing the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh
Spring 2021
Target Audience: New Members, Community
Duration: 1 hour

This presentation covers basic facts about the League of Women Voters in detail,
including a history of women's suffratge, who the League is and how it operates as an organization. 
Also included are details about advocacy and action, League "program" and positions. T
his PowerPoint was orginally created for presentation to a well-known community group.