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National Town Hall on the Federal Judiciary - LWVUS Webinar
About this event
At the LWVUS 2024 Convention, delegates voted to proceed with a study on the federal judiciary. The study's purpose includes, but is not limited to, addressing concerns and clarifying judicial accountability, transparency, independence, and ethics. The scope addresses the Supreme Court as well as the other Article III federal courts. The goal is to form and adopt a consensus position on the federal judiciary that can support LWV advocacy on this issue.
This study will be completed on a fast-track timeline in time for a position to be announced at the LWVUS 2025 Council in June 2025. Local leagues will be asked to meet in the spring of 2025 to work through a study guide and answer a series of consensus questions on the topic of the federal judiciary.
At the National Town Hall on February 4th, LWV members can hear from leading experts on this topic, pose questions, and get information about the federal judiciary in preparation for our spring meetings. All members are encouraged to attend.
How to attend: Please note that the town hall will be hosted on the Microsoft Teams platform. If you do not already have the Teams app installed, you can download Microsoft Teams here. (You may have the option to attend in a browser window, in some browsers.)
The link to the webinar is given below. You do not need to register in advance.
Join Federal Judiciary Town Hall
Registration Info
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